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If you or any person or organization you know of would like to be listed on this page, please send the contact information to for NLP and Hypnosis Newly revised! This website covers a large range of topics. The most exclusive of which is Time Line Therapy(tm); the most powerful tool anyone doing NLP or any type of "change-work" must have under their belt! Check out their free downloads section

PPI Business NLP: One of the UK's leading business NLP sites. NLP, executive coaching, team building and communication skills. Free newsletter and taster sessions. Tel: 01908 506563 or int. +44 1908 506563 c/o Email address.

Okay, I've had problems commenting on non-English sites before with my limited language skills (My high school French, current dabbling with Italian and all the Spanish I learned from Sesame Street add up to so much Esperanto), but I am going to accept defeat here. If anybody out there would like to submit their own comments on this site -- just some idea of what it's all about, please let me know. I am completely and utterly lost when it comes to Russian.

The Writings of Carmine Baffa Carmine Baffa is a Prolific (with a capital P) USENET celebrity. The articles cover an enormous range of topics and every single one is captivating (Although some of the tales seem a little tall). It's very easy to experience a little time distortion at this site (in other words, time flies when you're browsing Carmine).

PNL en Espa&ntilda;ol La Pagina WEB de Salvador Soiza
A general information server in Spanish by Salvador Soiza. The site has several articles on PNL and DBM, including a brief explanation of PNL. Salvador has also collected a large list of links. Oh, and there's a really nifty animation at the top of the page (the title of the page is reflected into an excited pool). Viva la PNL!

The Institute of NLP, Inc.
This Austin, Texas institute has created a page worth visiting. First, you've got the usual set of links, bios of the trainers and a calendar of events. Secondly and most interesting, are the articles. For instance, the answer to the question why should people be more like ducks? Also, what is and what isn't NLP? Intrigued? Curious? Good. Check it out.

InstaTek's NLP & hypnosis home page Jackie Patti has compiled this pleasurable page mostly from alt.psychlogy.nlp USENET postings. At the time of this writing, she's just got a few of her own up, but soon there should be ideas and opinions flowing in from various alt.psychology.nlp celebrities. She's also started a threaded discussion group (sort of a web newsgroup), and if you look around, you'll find her training calendar. Jackie has a very unique and c001 style, but if you take my advice, you'll discover that on your own.

Françoise Wybrecht Wow! Extremely impressive. Françoise has lots of stuff to say. The site is almost completely in French (he promises an English translation when he finds a translator -- hint, hint). There's an overwhelming number of articles and even a poem. In a nutshell, C'est bon!

International Teaching Seminars
ITS contains little nugget tasters of NLP. There's a brief intro, a quick little story and even a pagethat's tough to ignore (tell me if you find that you have no interest in clicking on a link entitled "Want to Change Your World?"). This institute makes it easy to get a feel for their style and attitude from their website.

NLP for professionals This site is for corporate customers wishing to improve performance and develop a 'knowledge culture' with NLP

PPI NLP Store UK resource for NLP books, seminars, coaching and related items

Team Build Your resource for team building facts, games, ideas and workshops using NLP

Executive coaching network The Executive Coaching Network specialises in executive coaching, team building and unlocking potential and is here to help you get the life you want, when you want it - right now

NLP, DHE and personal enhancement CD's The largest selection of Dr Richard Bandler's NLP, DHE and personal enhancement CD's available in the UK, - normally dispatched within 24 hours


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